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Still temporarily closed

The good news is that the infection rate for Bristol has fallen sufficiently such that we are to enter Tier 2 restrictions from Saturday 19 December. This will at least mean we will all have some additional freedom over the festive period, as we will be able to visit restaurants within our household bubbles and meet with friends outdoors.

However, sadly, it's not so good news for the Club, as it does mean that our doors need to remain closed for a little while longer.

Yes, under Tier 2, venues are able to open as long as they provide a substantial meal, regrettably a pack of crisps, a pack of nuts and even a pasty or sausage roll don't meet the criteria. And don't get us started on scotch eggs.....

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you Seasons Greetings and we look forward to seeing you all in 2021.

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